The story begins with the horse dawn horse. He lived in North America during the Eocene era. It was the size of a hare and its members ended with four fingers and three in the previous post, these were fitted with pads similar to dogs. His little teeth were made to eat leaves and other soft plant he could find in his dwelling place: the forest. He was able to travel long distance,which allowed him to emigrate in Eurasia. Is name was hyracotherium
During oglicene,this little horse had evolved Miohippus, implying significant change like: the members had lengthened, the back became steaighter and the animal was then grows slightly.
However, the most significant change occurred during the Miocene era when the forest meadows succeeded: the horse became an inhabitant of the plains. Therefore, he had to adaot to this new environment,he was provided teeth made to graze on grass,
a long neck for easy access to food and to recover easily to monitor the horizon
Eyes positioned laterally providing a field of vision of 350 degrees
and longer limbs to escape predators.The feet had to cope with hard grounds: thus the single toe (hoof) appeared. Is name was merrychipus.
a long neck for easy access to food and to recover easily to monitor the horizon
Eyes positioned laterally providing a field of vision of 350 degrees
and longer limbs to escape predators.The feet had to cope with hard grounds: thus the single toe (hoof) appeared. Is name was merrychipus.
Then he had the modern Equus Mesohippus and we know, there was another horse: and then the Pliohippus Przewalski's horse
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